UU FaithAction provides both the advocacy and legislative leadership that both makes a real difference on issues of equality and justice, but also helps us build wider alliances between front-line communities, advocacy groups, legislators and key coalitions across the state.
The purpose of the WIN Food Pantry is to distribute non-perishable nutritious food to eligible area residents in need. We also provide various cleaning supplies and personal care products, as available.
LUUF's volunteer organic gardeners contribute fresh organic produce to the Food Pantry from late spring until fall.
Strengthen Our Sisters is the largest shelter organization dedicated to serving the most under-served and vulnerable population in northern N.J.. We are on a mission to enable women and their children to transition from a life of homelessness, domestic violence and poverty to one of stability and self-sufficiency.
Founded in 1957, Peace Action, the USA's largest peace and disarmament organization, works to abolish nuclear weapons, promote government spending priorities that support human needs, encourage real security through international cooperation and human rights and support nonmilitary solutions to international conflicts.